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                Company Profile

                Founded in 1994, Guangdong Shunjing Refrigeration Technology Co., Ltd. operates Guangzhou Shunjing Refrigeration Equipment Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Hongsoft Information Technology Co., Ltd. as two wholly-owned subsidiaries.Guangdong Shunjing has been committed to intelligent energy saving temperature and humidity control equipment, intelligent energy saving temperature and humidity group control system, temperature and humidity automatic monitoring system design, research and development, manufacturing and provide overall solutions, is intelligent energy saving temperature and humidity control equipment manufacturing service provider.

                Registered capital of 1008 million, with building mechanical and electrical installation engineering professional contracting level three qualification, safety production license, ISO quality management, occupational health, environmental management system certificate, is the high-tech enterprises in Guangdong Province, but also innovative small and medium-sized enterprises, specialized in the new cultivation of enterprises, Guangdong HVAC Association, Guangzhou HVAC Association, Guangzhou Medical Association and other member units.

                The company focuses on research and development and innovation in the field of energy-saving temperature and humidity regulation, and has obtained more than 30 intellectual property rights authorization (invention, utility model and software copyright) in the field of intelligent energy-saving temperature and humidity regulation, intelligent energy-saving temperature and humidity group control, automatic temperature and humidity monitoring system.

                The quality customers we have served include: Sinopmedicine Logistics, China Resources Pharmaceutical, Shanghai Pharmaceutical, Liuzhou Pharmaceutical and other large pharmaceutical logistics enterprises;Pharmaceutical R&D and production-oriented enterprises such as Beigene, Shengxiang Biological, Teyi Pharmaceutical, and Shuanghe Pharmaceutical;Cancer Hospital of Sun Yat-sen Medical University, Overseas Chinese Hospital, Boao Evergrande International Hospital, Guangxi District People's Hospital, Changsha Disease Control, Dean Medical testing and other medical institutions and medical testing units, as well as Guangdong Sinotrans, Guangzhou Balun Jie Logistics and other chemical (explosion-proof warehouse) logistics customers.

                Companies adhering to the "perfect and smooth" business philosophy, continue to provide customers with quality products and services.
