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                Pharmacy GSP Cold Storage

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                Product Details

                • 1. Cold storage volume

                It can be customized according to the standard volume: 20m3, 30m3, 40m3, or combined with the actual size on site

                2、Cold storage temperature, humidity

                Refrigerated storage: 2℃ ~ 8℃, refrigerated storage: -25℃ ~ -15℃, relative humidity is 35% ~ 75%RH;

                3、Cold storage insulation body

                • The six surfaces are made of polyurethane composite plate (flame retardant grade B1). Double-sided color steel plate can be selected, or outer color steel plate can be stainless steel plate inside. In order to enhance the bearing capacity of the bottom plate, thickened galvanized steel plate or embossed stainless steel plate can be selected inside the warehouse.
                • Equipped with high quality cold storage single mask door, warehouse door inside the installation of unlocking device, panel material can choose color steel plate/stainless steel plate;
                • Low temperature resistant curtain is installed at the door of the cold storage door, and air curtain machine is installed outside the library. The work of air curtain machine automatically starts and stops according to the opening and closing of the library door to reduce the fluctuation of temperature and humidity in the warehouse when the door is opened;
                • The cold storage adopts low temperature resistant LED lighting, and the distress button is set at the door inside the storage room, which can trigger the alarm when the personnel are closed in the storage room by mistake;
                • The thickness of refrigerated warehouse combined insulation board is 100mm, the thickness of refrigerated warehouse combined insulation board is 150mm;

                4、Energy saving temperature and humidity control system

                • Energy saving temperature and humidity control system
                • Temperature and humidity control patented technology products, using condensation heat recovery to efficiently achieve temperature and humidity control, the equipment has two operating modes of refrigeration and dehumidification, according to the temperature and humidity state of the warehouse automatic operation;
                • Air cooler adopts intelligent detection of frosting and start defrosting, precise control to avoid frost accumulation of air cooler fin and excessive temperature and humidity caused by transition defrosting, cold storage adopts electric defrosting, cold storage adopts hot fluorine defrosting;

                5、Intelligent control and alarm system

                Programmable controller plus touch screen operation and control system, with equipment centralized control, parameter setting, running status display, temperature and humidity quantity record storage, historical curve, historical data and historical event record query function, temperature exceed limit, humidity exceed limit, equipment fault alarm and other alarm functions, with high safety, stable and reliable, convenient use

                Operation permission classification:Multiple passwords can be set. Users of cold storage, administrators of cold storage, and manufacturers can be authorized at different levels and their operation rights can be set independently to enhance system security

                Automatic switching technology:Any unit failure automatically switch to another set of equipment, while the control system sends an alarm signal

                Automatic balancing unit running time:The running time of multiple units in the library is timed to balance the running time of each unit and avoid the long-term operation of a single unit, which is conducive to the protection of equipment

                Backup power supply (optional) : The control system is equipped with the UPS backup power supply. When the mains power is off, the data recording continuity and alarm function of the control system can continue to work normally for more than half an hour

                Standby control system: In addition to the programmable controller as the main control system, there is also a standby control system, which can automatically switch to the standby system when the main system fails, and send out relevant alarms

                Alarm function: local sound and light alarm, remote SMS and telephone alarm function (optional)
